our health advice regarding sleep in the Landes
Study on the impact of a thermal cure in rheumatology on the quality of sleep at the Thermes de Saubusse
Dr Domercq
On-site physician responsible for the medical care of spa clients.
Sleep specialist
Evaluation of the impact of a rheumatology and/or phlebology spa treatment on the quality of sleep at the end of the treatment and one month after returning home to the Saubusse Thermal Baths (Landes, 40)
At the Saubusse Thermal Baths, a pilot study was conducted by Doctor Domercq as part of his thesis for the Inter-University Diploma (DIU) in Medical Practice in Thermal Spas.* This research aims to evaluate the effects of a thermal spa treatment at Saubusse on the quality of sleep, both at the end of the treatment and one month after returning home.
While few studies have looked at the effects of thermal spa treatments on sleep, and only in psychosomatic spas, Saubusse patients regularly report a significant improvement in their sleep after a rheumatology and phlebology treatment.
The aim of this study was therefore to scientifically verify whether a thermal spa treatment could have a beneficial effect on a very common disorder : insomnia.
To do this, 21 patients were included and responded to the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) at the beginning and end of their treatment, and again one month after returning home. *The results are conclusive: more than 70% of participants noted a marked improvement in the quality of their sleep. In addition, among patients who used sleeping pills, 80% reduced or stopped their treatment one month after the treatment.
Towards an improvement in the quality of sleep
These data suggest that the benefits of crenotherapy can go beyond the pathologies targeted by the initial orientation of the treatment. At the Thermes de Saubusse, thermal care in rheumatology and phlebology could thus contribute significantly to improving the quality of sleep, enriching the quality of life of our spa guests.